Top Ten Landlord Tips of 2013
At the same time, landlords saw a onslaught of new regulations in 2013, some landlord-friendly.
In 2013, AAOA brought our readers nearly 360 articles, which included the most recent landlord news, market and financing reports, and property management tips to make your lives easier, and your rentals more profitable. Out of those archives, we’ve selected the Top Ten Landlord Tips for 2013, in case you missed one:
1. We made a big change in 2013 by revamping all of our landlord forms.
2. Why is it important to use the right landlord forms? This landlord found out the hard way: Landlord Says Lease to Blame for Legal Woes.
3. A report profiled the single factor that makes a rental property a good investment, and showed which landlords can command the highest rent: See The Secret to Maintaining High Property Values.
4. Turning to landlords to fight crime was a theme in local ordinances across the country in 2013. In this case, landlords are liable even when the crime happens off-site. See Landlords Liable for Crime 3 Blocks Away.
5. Nobody likes them, but evictions are a fact of life for landlords. Be ready when it happens. See How to Win an Eviction.
6. This year’s most landlord-friendly new law holds tenants criminally liable when they damage a rental unit. Nothing like a little added incentive. See Criminal Charges If Tenant Damages Unit.
7. With gun rights laws changing, some landlords had to re-think their policies in 2013. See Concealed Weapons Law Raises Questions for Landlords.
8. The scope of premise liability against landlords continues to widened. Take, for example, this case where a landlord was found liable for a fall that was caused by a cracked sidewalk. Tenant Awarded $1 Million for Slip and Fall.
9. Rejecting families with “too many” children caused legal problems for many landlords in 2013, as Fair Housing laws and occupancy limits collided. See Occupancy Limits Illegal.
10. Top online classified Craigslist changed its rules this year, and landlords who rely on the service for rental ads need to adapt. For more, See Navigating the New Craigslist Rules.
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