Property Management News

Why Renters Insurance Is Important When It Comes...

Many renters, especially young ones, aren’t living in brand new buildings with a long list of amenities. Some might be in buildings nearing 100 years of age and the chances of something like a leak happening might be high. Even though it is the responsibility of a property owner to maintain a rental unit, tenants should strongly consider purchasing a renters insurance policy. They might find themselves filing a number of different claims if a leak occurs. Leaks that damage personal property Most people know that renters insurance covers personal property in the event something damages it for which a renters is not at fault, such as a leak. It’s coverage that is simple but could a... Read more

Energy use sneaks up on you. One day, you think you’re being responsible—flipping off lights, not running the AC excessively, turning the TV off after “Game of...

If you’ve used peer-to-peer rental sites before, you know they are an exciting, cost-effective way to stay in a new city. With millions of listings on websites...

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has safeguards in place to make sure mortgage companies operate on a level playing field with consumers. The level playing field...

In the age of the “staycation,” buyers may be looking for a places that are so awesome to live in that they never need to take off for greener pastures....

Court Rules Landlords Are Not Liable for...

Residential landlords are all too used to learning of new laws or court decisions that expand their liabilities and/or make life more difficult. It is a pleasure, then, to report on a California appellate decision that affirms a limit on landlord liability and rejects a claim as to landlord duty. (Garcia v. Holt, Fourth Appellate District, Oct. 27, 2015) In October of 2005, the Mamertos (Michelle Mamerto was Michel Holt at the time the complaint was filed) leased their Escondido property to George Jakubec. The lease was for one year. At the end of the year, the lease became a month-to-month rental. In 2005, the Mamertos hired Mario Garcia to maintain the landscaping of the subject... Read more

We get this question from our members a lot. Technology is obviously changing and more landlords than ever are switching to online management of their properties. But...

It’s said there are no certainties in life other than death and taxes, but at least when it comes to the latter people have some degree of control. No matter where...

Nothing can kill a sale faster than a dated, closed-in kitchen area. Many of today’s buyers see the kitchen as the home’s command center, and not just a...

Mortgage rates may be hovering near record lows, but it’s not enough to counter the sky-high, and still rising, prices in many of the nation’s largest...