Basic Training: Leasing Boot Camp

CoachingArm your sales team with the tools to take your community to the next level.

At Basic Training, you will learn to:

  • prospect for residents
  • identify the elements of a phone call
  • understand the four major generations who are renting

Advance your customer excellence management through:

  • resident retention
  • the art of closing the deal

Learn to build relationships, avoid awkward techniques, handle objections, identify and dispense with time-wasters.

Professional, motivational speakers include Donna Hickey, Mary Kathe and Cynthiann King.

Basic Training will be held June 18th, all day, in the Chicago area.  For more information, or to sign up, call 312“235“2087.

American Apartment Owners Association offers discounts on products and services related to your commercial housing investment including REAL ESTATE FORMS, tenant debt collection, tenant background checks, insurance and financing.  Find out more at

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