4 Ways To Keep Student Renters Safe On Your Property

student housing move in boxWhen students are looking for off-campus housing, they usually have to have their leases signed by a guarantor, who will make sure the rent is paid no matter what. Oftentimes, guarantors are parents whose top priority is to keep their children safe.

One of the most important qualities in renting a property, from a parent’s perspective, is safety. And of course students want to be safe in the place they are calling home as well. So what can property owners do to keep the students living on their properties safe?

Install Some Dummy Surveillance Cameras

It would be even better to have real, working surveillance cameras to capture any crime occurring on your property so that students you host are safe and to help you prove the liability was not your fault. But if not, at least some dummy surveillance cameras will do. Crime is constantly on the rise and even minor crimes on your property could deter future students from signing a lease with you.

The cameras need to look as realistic as possible and you should check on them often to make sure they are in place, look authentic, and have not been discovered as fake. There are a large variety of fake cameras for you to choose from. Make sure you feel comfortable using this though because if residents realize the cameras are not real, they will not respect them, and it will not take long before anyone bent on committing a crime will find out too.

Hopefully, having them present will help any criminal who has come onto the property rethink their plans.

Keep Landscaping Neat & Trimmed

Make sure that all trees, shrubs, tall grasses, anything plant like that has grown big enough for a person to hide in, behind, or around is kept neat and trimmed so that no intruders can hide behind them. You should try and make sure no large trees or bushes are in front of windows to deter breaking and entering. Many put tall thick hedges around homes to make it feel more private, but that just makes a great cover for those trying to illegally get on the property. If you do want to keep plant life close to the property, thorny shrubbery is a good way to also dissuade would be criminals from committing any crimes.

Use Gravel As An Alarm

If you are looking for a new way to remodel the landscape of your property, gravel is a great product to incorporate. Aside from the visual element, it can also help to keep the students living on the property safe. It crunches every time someone steps on it, so residents will hear anyone crunching up towards their house when they are not expecting company or when no one should be near their house. If the gravel you choose also blends in nicely with the terrain of the property, a would be criminal might be surprised by it when he steps onto it — enough to deter them from continuing with the crime.

Keep Your Property Well Lit

Make sure that residents on your properties feel safe by making it safer — make sure that at night, every corner is well lit. You should not keep it so bright that people can’t sleep at night, but you do want to keep it safe and curtail lurkers from the area. It should not just be the main access areas that are well lit. Every corner, nook, or cranny that someone could hide in to do harm to your residence should be lit up. Residents need to feel safe walking around the property at night and know that nothing will happen to them as they walk back from a late class at school or park their car after returning home after dark.

If you are worried about the expense, even motion sensor lights that will only come on when triggered might be a good idea (rather than having lights on all night) — aside from making residents feel safe, they can make would be criminals feel more at risk, especially if they are not expecting the lights to turn on onto them. This might be enough to scare away a criminal or help a resident to notice someone on the property that should absolutely not be there.

Source: rent.uloop.com