Property Management News

From Passive Income to Financial Freedom:...

Achieving financial freedom is a dream for many, but it often requires strategic planning and wise investments. One avenue that has gained popularity in recent years is multi-family property investments. These investments offer a path from passive income to financial freedom for those willing to plunge into the real estate world. In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of multi-family property investments and how they can help you build wealth, secure passive income streams, and ultimately attain financial freedom. What Are Multi-family Property Investments? Multi-family properties are residential buildings that house multiple units, such as duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, apartment... Read more

An effective winterization plan requires proactive measures and consistent communication to prepare for the unexpected. In February 2021, Winter Storm Uri blanketed...

As the multifamily space progresses through 2024, several critical economic factors are reshaping the landscape. These changes are minor irritations and seismic...

The program was initially set to expire by the end of this year, but positive survey data and an impact analysis has led to its extension Fannie Mae announced on...

Understanding Subletting Subleasing an apartment can be a beneficial arrangement for both landlords and tenants. It occurs when a tenant rents out their apartment to...

The Top 5 Pitfalls of Investing in Multifamily...

Every market cycle is a little bit different, and there are pitfalls investors, syndicators and operators need to be aware of whenever they get involved in real estate. There are five common pitfalls I’ve been seeing consistently when investing in multifamily real estate today and I wanted to share some of my observations. I’m not a registered investment advisor, so you should always consult with your attorney or investment advisor before investing. This is just my perspective about the market and the current situation that we’re in. #1: Investing with a sponsor that promises returns This might sound a bit obvious, but I really encourage you to never, ever invest with... Read more

A higher frequency of wildfires combined with more development in vulnerable areas has sharply increased the number of homes located in high-risk areas. California has...

The Future of Multifamily Real Estate Multifamily real estate is constantly evolving to adapt to the changing social environment, technological advancements, and...

Becoming a successful real estate investor is an attainable goal for many people. With the right strategies, real estate offers a variety of ways to build long-lasting...

There are numerous methods and ways to increase revenue at an apartment complex.  And, if you as an investor truly want to maximize your profit (Either as an ongoing...