Can’t Evict? Report!
While the recent CDC moratorium on evictions requires that tenants sign a declaration under penalty of perjury, detailing why they can’t keep up with rent payments and their efforts to seek assistance, the reality is that many tenants will still falsify their declarations. Even without tenant declarations, or with lawful reasons under the CDC mandate, many courts are refusing to enforce evictions across the board. What is a landlord to do?
Tenants who are taking advantage of CDC’s COVID mandate simply should not get a free pass. With credit reporting their account, they won’t. There is no moratorium on accurately reporting the state of a tenant’s account.
By credit reporting tenant accounts, renters can’t put off the consequences of non-payment. Where a tenant is truly impacted by COVID, and the landlord wants to work with that tenant, then the tenant can be reported positively. Where the tenant is taking advantage of the CDC mandate, the power is back in the hands of the landlord to let the Credit Bureaus know that the account holder is not living up to their financial obligation.
So if you are a landlord, property manager or real estate investor who has tenants who could pay rent but are choosing not to due to CDC’s COVID mandate, there is a solution for you. Start credit reporting your rental accounts through Sperlonga today. Contact us for more information.