Is Your Rental Illegally on Airbnb Without Your Permission?

hands with house and keysThere is a lot of controversy concerning Airbnb. Some landlords love it and others have gone through lawsuits over it. AirBnb has certainly disrupted the hotel and rental industry, so its important landlords understand how to protect themselves. One of the biggest problems with Airbnb lately has occurred when tenants sublease their rooms to tourists through AirBnb without the landlord’s permission.

Here’s a few reasons why this is definitely something you should be worried about:

  1. The AirBnb guest has not had a background check and could be a danger to other tenants and neighbors.
  2. The AirBnb guest could refuse to leave causing you to have to evict.
  3. If anything happens to the guest, you could be held liable.
  4. Areas with rent control keep rent low for tenants who then unfairly make a profit by subleasing their rooms on AirBnb.

So what can you do to prevent this from happening?

  1. Go on AirBnB on a weekly or monthly basis and look up your address to see if there are any unapproved postings for it.
  2. Include a clause in your lease agreement that specifically prohibits subleasing and use of any websites like AirBnB.
  3. Talk to your neighbors and ask them to notify you if they see an unusual number of guests coming in and out of the home.

What have your experiences been with AirBnb? Do you see it as a potential threat or a new way for you to generate more income from your rental? Leave us a comment below!